The Apple Vision Pro headset was finally announced after years of rumors back on June 5, when WWDC kicked off. And while we know a fair bit about what the headset will do when it arrives in 2024, there are still some things Apple hasn’t shared. Now, we might have the answer to at least one question — how much storage will the thing have?

Apple’s headset is going to be able to run all kinds of apps, including those that are already available in the App Store on the iPad. So questions were always going to be asked about how much space apps would take up and how much storage people would be strapping to their heads with Vision Pro.

As it turns out, at least some Vision Pro headsets will have more storage than the average MacBook Pro and a lot more than some of the best iPhones, too.

All those bits and bytes

A new report by iPhoneSoft suggests that Apple is going all-in when it comes to storage. Based on information provided to the outlet, headsets that are currently out in the wild have as much as 1TB of storage included.

“After discovering the Magic Battery or DRAM RAM, we learn that the Vision Pro will automatically be sold with 1 TB of SSD storage, or 1,000 GB,” the report says via machine translation. “This information is included in the ‘Settings’ application of the two helmets that our contact was able to test within the ‘labs.’

Based on that, it appears that development units handed out by Apple are laden with storage, but it isn’t clear if that will be the case with all models when they go on sale. Apple says that Vision Pro “starts at $3,499,” potentially opening the door for a base model having less storage and more options being available beyond that. 

By IosPro

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